It makes about as much sense to have a smoking section in a restaurant, as it does to have a peeing section in a public pool...
-Wayne Dyer (paraphrased, from memory)
I went fabric shopping on Saturday... Well, I tried to fabric shop on Saturday. Completely overloaded with choices, stores, project ideas, and my own works-in-progress, I wandered around aimlessly, wasting my precious time, only to return home empty-handed. I thought I was feeding my creative ideas, but I actually contaminated my process by adding a bunch of new ideas to the mixture.
And, boy, did I see some HORRIBLY ugly stuff, things I just can't erase from my mind. The "sale" or "closeout" sections of some of these stores made me want to weep. Considering the fact that sewing out of economic necessity no longer makes much sense, why do these stores insult our taste with the very worst examples of textiles available in the free world?
Or maybe it is just that time of year. We are heading toward my least favorite month... February. Long, cold dreary days with no hope of Spring in sight. I think I went to the wrong place looking for inspiration.
Next weekend... maybe the Metropolitan Museum!

I think it just might be that time of year. My Hancock has been pretty blah. They did get a COUPLE new knits in but that was about it.
ReplyDelete"I thought I was feeding my creative ideas, but I actually contaminated my process by adding a bunch of new ideas to the mixture." - I know exactly what you mean.