I can't begin to tell you how happy, grateful, and blessed I feel just to have been on this planet, in this family, in this community, and in the blogosphere this year.
Coincidences and miracles, chance meetings, and emotional highs and lows have made this year a frantic cocktail of love, chaos, confusion, exhilaration, disappointment...
I have met the most fascinating people of all walks of life, learned so much about Autism since Aaron's diagnosis in February, had AMAZING clients, watched my daughter and husband absolutely BLOSSOM in their own pursuits... I've been the coach, quarterback and cheerleader and spectator.
Who knows what 2008 has in store, eh? I am excited to see what it will bring.
This quote, as seen on Kari and Kisja's blog today, sums it up best.
I'm quite a fan of Yoko Ono's "yes" painting. A few years ago, I saw a documentary about her work, and it just clicked with me. I know it may seem "out there" to some, but this piece is simply a ladder that you must climb to get the full benefit of the art piece. A small framed "Yes" is affixed to the ceiling, but it is only visible if you climb up to see it. An absolutely genius metaphor for life.
And...here's to ascending your own "ladder", whatever it may be. This is my wish for all of you in the new year.
Every year, I make the same resolution.
That's it. I play lots of music on New Year's Day. Mostly calm, beautiful songs that just make me ache over the beauty of life. Since you probably know the others (they are very popular, standard classic songs from a variety of genres... I'll share if you're interested), here's one of my favorites (Sting)...
Happy New Year! See you in 2008!

Happy New Year!