I would go on great sewing and design retreats, come back home, write reviews, books and magazine articles, apply my skills, and eventually, teach. As my family's life changes, I hope to be able to do at least one of these things...
I take a course at the Royal School of Needlework in the UK.
I would take a bra making course in Canada.
I would go to Paris with Susan Khalje.
I would go to New Mexico to take a course with Fred Bloebaum.
I would go to North Carolina to take a course with Linda Stewart.
I would take a moulage class with Kenneth King. Well, I wouldn't have to leave home for this one... but I would need time I don't have...
... oh, and a millinery class in the UK.
I would get an MFA in Curatorial studies from FIT.
I probably know too many dressmakers; I'm aware of faaaar too many sewing events...
Oh, and I would organize and manage the creation of a dressmakers' calendar (imagine the Pirelli calendar meets the Vionnet book), featuring beautiful photographs of custom-made creations, and get it published and sold in a quality art bookstore like Rizzoli.
And oh! I would also take cooking classes in France and Italy... but I digress...
But, seriously, in my real life, today, I updated the www.findadressmaker.com site, and added a gallery-like sequence of dressmaker websites, to give visitors a taste of what kind of work the dressmakers on the site can do.
By the way... I fell in love today... had to buy it. Not too bad, I'm not enlarging my stash... just bringing it back to where it was before the last few things I made...
This fabric looks cozy, doesn't it? I'm not sure what it will become yet, but it belongs with me... Ya know, it's a shame there's a fabric store along the walk between home and Dunkin' Donuts. It turned my morning walk with Aaron into an accidental shopping trip. See what damage the desire for a nice morning coffee and a bit of "fresh air" (by NYC standards) for my son and I can do?

Yes, some of those things are on my "unlimited resources/time list". I think I'd be joining you for the needlework, bra, millinery, and moulage classes at the least, plus that trip to Paris.
ReplyDeleteGreat fabric - very bright and cheerful. Fresh air, your son, coffee and fabric, what more could you ask for?